I don’t wanna be sad though

I don’t want to watch you go

But it’s funny how all these dreams come true

Then the worst of life is taken out on you

I don’t wanna just stand here

And watch years go by

If you believe that you tried dear

Then whyd you have to lie

It was all from the beginning

We didn’t have that much to bare

But as the days rolled by and sun went down

I just really didn’t care

The Road Here

I’ve always considered myself a homebody. I’m not a huge fan of large crowds. Typically, I would choose a movie over dinner with a friend to avoid direct conversation. I’m not socially awkward, (for the most part) but truthfully despise small talk. Tevan, on the other hand is a complete extrovert! He loves people and people generally love him. He’s always funny and fun to be around. He’s at his happiest dancing amongst his like minded brothers and sisters from the peace and love era.

His brain injury changed a lot of things, but he’s still the same guy inside. Me on the other hand have had no other choice but to step up and step out of my comfort zone. I’ve been learning as I go, pulling from the depths of my soul all things positive and light all while navigating this challenging time in our lives. After losing my job of almost 13 years I’ve come to realize the importance of self love. Of course my pain is still daily and I’ve just gone through a flare, but my come back took less time than many other flares I’ve had. My doctor put me back on a low dose of pragabalin. It has stopped the spasms almost completely although i still have hand and foot pain, but THAT I can deal with.