Home, Love, Work and a Life?…A True Story ðŸ’œ

First of all, NOT a single person (rich, poor, healthy, sick…) has EVER said…. ‘life is easy’.  In perspective I am of course writing from the first world comfort of my living room so as not to lose real perspective of just how easy ‘we’ really DO have it…. but alas I digress

This is the here and now in my little piece of the universe…annnnd GAH! 



Just a little reminder to myself 💜

It Truly Never Ends and I Guess That’s a Good Thing

If you can believe it I’m at a trade show.  Life doesn’t stop just because I have Fibromyalgia in fact it’s only gotten more busy!!  My ‘real’ job is the ever present necessity to find and instill balance. 

Right now I am outside walking off a tremendous amount of pain.  Thankfully I am at a resort where it’s warm and with plenty of lush grounds to explore.

After sitting through 28 meetings today it’s  time to stretch.


Almost time for bed and day two.

Still have to make my way back there 🖓


But on the very enormous bright side it’s to this bed!!!


Sweet dreams to me!!

Love Byrd